Set The Fees Your Care Business Really Needs

The Care Fee Calculator is the only tool that will ensure you set the right fees to meet the care needs of your clients and the financial needs of your care business.


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Learn What the Care Fee Calculator Can Do for You

Eliminate Guesswork When Setting Care Fees

Don't guess how much your fee needs to be or hope that the fee your commissioner wants to pay will be enough.

Use the Care Fee Calculator to set accurate fees that you know will cover the cost of running your care business, the cost of delivering the individual care a person needs and that returns the profit your care business needs to be financially sustainable.


Receive the Fees You Need, Not the Fees Your Commissioners Want to Pay

The Care Fee Calculator has been designed to give you all the detailed numbers you need so you can defend your costs when challenged by commissioners who want to pay you a lower fee.

With the Care Fee Calculator you can eliminate all objections and justify every detail of your care fee quote.


Know the Financial Impact of Accepting a Fee That is Too Low

Enter the care fee a commissioner wants to pay or a fee you are currently receiving.

The tool will compare that fee with the fee it calculates you need and show you the financial impact should you accept their fee or that a current fee is having on your care business.

This will give you the clarity needed to refuse a fee or arrange client review.


See the Big Picture

Stay on top of the financial information you need to keep your business sustainable.

With our Dashboard and Analytics sections, you will see all the financial information you need to make sure your care business is financially healthy.

See the revenue and profit you are making overall and by each of your clients on a weekly, monthly and annual basis.

If you are not receiving the fees you need, see the revenue and profit you should be making and see at a glance which fees need urgent reviews.


Secure the Future of Your Care Business

Every aspect of your care business is dependent on you securing the right fees.

If you don't then nothing else you do will matter because eventually you will run out of money and have to close.

Profit is the lifeblood of any business. The Care Fee Calculator will ensure you set the right fee and help you negotiate and win that fee so that you receive the profit you need to keep your care business financially healthy and sustainable.


Receiving the right care fees is not a choice it is a necessity - the survival of your care service depends on it.

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Put The Control Back in Your Hands

No other tool gives you the visibility and control over setting and negotiating the fees you need.

Here's a case study or how the Care Fee Calculator helped a care business owner.

One provider told us that he had tried for over a year to increase the fee of a client but the council blocked any arguments because he struggled to present a strong enough argument. He knew he was paying for much of her care but not exactly how much.

Using the Care Fee Calculator, he was able to accurately calculate just how much the care this person needed was costing them. He presented this detailed costing and the council admitted they couldn't find an argument to not pay what he was asking and started paying the fee he needed.

He increased his fee from £460 a week to £2076 a week.

The Care Fee Calculator can make the difference between a care business that financially struggles on fees that are too low and one that sets and wins the fees it needs to be financially strong.

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No Risk Money-back Guarantee

With all the benefits I've outlined you would think that the Care Fee Calculator costs a few thousand pounds.

Even if it did, with the potential weekly increases in your fees, it would still pay for itself many times over. But it doesn't.

Neither will your investment be the same as a care business with twice as many clients. Your investment in this tool will be relative to the number of clients you have and will cost the equivalent pence per bed per week.

Having said that, I want you to be sure that this tool is going to work for you. I want to eliminate any doubts that you may have.

Try the Care Fee Calculator for
30 days for free.


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Stay Financially Healthy

Accurately set the fees you need that returns the profit your care business needs and keeps it financially healthy.


Eliminate Guesswork

No longer accept a fee hoping it will be enough to care for your client and your business. Present a fee that you know will.


Ensure You Cover Your Costs

Establish your monthly running costs and know the minimum cost (breakeven point) of each client before any extra care and your profit is added. Accurately calculate the cost for all the extra care a person needs so you know you can afford to deliver that care and not hope you can.


Compare the Financial Impact of a Fee That is Too Low

With your ideal fee calculated, instantly compare the profit you would make on it with the profit or loss you are actually making, or would make if you were to accept a fee your referrer wants to pay.


Negotiate for Your Fee from a Position of Strength

Have the visibility and clarity needed to justify your fee regardless of any objections from your commissioner who will think they know what your costs should be because of the Fair Cost of Care initiative and who will do all they can to reduce your fee to what they think is enough.


Create Accurate Quotes in Minutes

The running costs you enter apply to all subsequent quotes you create. Create a new quote, enter any extra care needed and target profit, and your fee is calculated for you.

What do Other Providers Think of the Care Fee Calculator?

Given Me the Confidence to Request the Right Fees

"I can highly recommend the Care Fee Calculator. It has shown me what my fees should be and given me the confidence to request the fees we must charge to continue as a sustainable business."

Rebecca Cork, Home Owner.

Worth Every Penny

"As a small care provider I can honestly say it's been worth every penny. It has made calculating our costs so much easier. Additionally, it has highlighted to us the severity of the shortfall in funding from the LA and given us a sound platform to start negotiations from hopefully enabling us to futureproof the business, staff jobs and the service for clients both present and future."

Ben Jourdan, Director.

Resulted in Us Receiving the Right Fees

"Being able to prove the cost of the care we need to deliver the care needed and sticking to our guns has resulted in us receiving the right fees."

Kate Collins, Home Manager

Gives Me the Confidence to Challenge and Get the Fee I Need

"Having spent years putting together quotes based on what authorities were willing to pay, I now have a tool that gives me the confidence to challenge and ultimately get the fee I need."

Stephanie Smith, Home Manager.

After your 30-day free try-out, should you then decide that for whatever reason this tool is not for you, simply let me know and your card won't be charged.

But with the 30-day free try you really have nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain because…

The Care Fee Calculator can literally help turn a financially struggling care business into a financially secure care business.

Imagine being able to set fees that you KNOW are right – fees that cover your heavy costs, that cover the care people need and that return the profits your care business needs to be financially sustainable.

No more stress and sleepless nights worrying about rising costs and the cost of the care your clients need and whether you are heading down the road to financial ruin.

And because you are setting and receiving the fees you need, you know that your care business is generating the required revenue and profit to ensure that it will be valued correctly should you decide to sell it at some point in the future.

And because you can try it out free for 30 days, you really do have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about the Care Fee Calculator? See the list below of our most frequently asked questions. If you want to asked another then please do contact us.

Who should use the Care Fee Calculator?

The Care Fee Calculator is for any care provider who charges a weekly fee, whether a residential home or a nursing home for people with high-end needs, or care agencies such as Learning Disabilities, Day opportunities and Assisted Living.

I'm not IT savvy - is it hard to use?

The Care Fee Calculator takes you through the usual steps you should take to create an accurate quote. We've worked hard to make it flow in a straightforward, easy to use way. Should you be unsure, we have a number of videos and a user guide to help you and our support email should you still have a question we hadn't covered.

Do I Need to download any special software?

No. Provided you have access to the internet and a web browser you can log into the Care Fee Calculator from anywhere and use all its features.

Do you offer an Enterprise Plan if we have more than 10 care businesses?

Absolutely, contact us and let us know how many care businesses you have and we will come back to you.

How do I cancel before the end of the Free Trial?

You can cancel your subscription at any time during the 30-day trial period. Just email us at and we will cancel your subscription for you.