Free Coronavirus Staff and Clients Tracker
Hey there. I created a spreadsheet for my wife, who owns a couple of care homes, so her managers can track staff and clients who are affected in some way by the Coronavirus.
So, this is what I did for her staff and thought I’d put it out there for all providers to use if they wish to.
This spreadsheet will help you track those staff members who have needed to self-isolate because they are showing symptoms or because a family member is or because they are high-risk. You enter the date of isolation and how many days off they require, and the tool will automatically show their due return date. The return date is colour coded so you can more easily see who is due back.
The tool also adds up how many people from each department (care, nurse, domestic, etc) you have off. Once back they are taken out of the total.
There is also a sheet for your clients so you can monitor their progress.
Hope it helps and stay safe,